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About Us

Seed to Heart envisions healthy individuals as being the foundation of a strong community and country. A vital body and mind starts with what they are made of: the food we eat. With thoughtful intention in the agricultural process, focusing on the health of the consumers and the environment, we can sustainably grow our communities' food supplies.


A healthy community is the driving force behind a sustainable agricultural model and the future of the United States of America. Seed to Heart thrives to connect individuals with their food and medicine. Truly healthy food and medicine is grown by healthy and happy individuals. At Seed to Heart, we follow the 3 principles of permaculture to


1.) Protect the Earth 2.) Care for the People 3.) Share the Abundance


According to research by Brookings, food inequality rates were the highest rates among low income families (34.9%) and single-mother households (28.7%). Because of these economic inequalities and rapidly rising inflation, many of us are now unable to access affordable, locally-grown fresh food that is a necessary component of a healthy diet.


The USA was founded on the roots of thriving local agricultural communities that fed the population healthy food. Unfortunately, access to local produce that isn't GMO or sprayed with toxic chemicals has severely diminished. Over the past several decades, our nation has transformed from smaller, independent and family-owned farms, to consolidated multinational corporate agricultural lots. These big lots rely heavily on supply chain inputs, including GMO seeds, chemical sprays, heavy machinery, illegal workers, and huge amounts of fresh water


It is up to us to secure, sustainable, fresh food resources for the health and future of our country by investing in small, community supported food projects. We can reduce the pandemic of depression, heart disease, obesity and cancer that is plaguing our nation.


Seed to Heart provides simple solutions to our nations growing problems  Our sustainable agricultural methods help to supply our community's food pantries, shelters, and schools with nutritious food. 

Help us to share the abundance!


Based on the words permanent and agri-culture, permaculture addresses all aspects of human culture, not only food production but how we build, organize, and utilize our resources. The goal is to create an optimally efficient system, harmoniously interlinked with nature.


Healthy food is freshly picked food, grown in soil that is alive and full of nutrients, and harvested by people that find peace in the process.


It is so easy to get lost in today’s easy fast food economy, Instead, Seed to Heart connects  individuals to the earth, the community, and the rhythms of Nature. 


At Seed to Heart, we integrate the principles of permaculture into every aspect of our business model. By creating systemic sustainability through food and culture, we can start to explore exciting new possibilities for the future.

CSA Membership

 Seed to Heart provides the community with an innovative way to support local agriculture and share the abundance of food through a CSA program.


CSA stands for community supported agriculture.


Our CSA is based on membership donations, whereby with your donation, you will receive “shares” of the farm, in the form of exceptionally fresh, unique, off-market produce.


By making a donation for your share, you help finance the costs of seeds and other inputs at the beginning of the season.

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